1. Setup
Open your config.lua
Config = {}
Config.language = "pl" -- change language (pl,eng,de,fr)
Config.command = { -- set keybind or command
admin_menu = false, -- keybind
admin_menu_comm = "admin",
reaport_menu = true, -- command
reaport_menu_comm = "reaport",
Config.keys = { -- keybinds
admin_menu = "F9",
reaport_menu = "F10"
Config.max_users = 120 -- server max users
Config.time12 = false -- true = 12h / false = 24h
Config.revive_event = "esx_ambulancejob:revive" -- your client site revive event
Config.sc_webhook = "" -- discord webhook to send player screenshot
Config.permissions = "esx" -- select permission system: esx | discord
Config.play_time_interval = 5 -- minutes to update player playtime
Config.play_time_update_on_quit = true -- true = update on quit | false = update on interval
Config.permissions_list = { -- discord = role id | esx = group name
--[[ ['1168149143005433906'] = {
category = {"on_players", "stats", "reaport", "bans"},
main_options = {"spawn_car", "repair_car", "gamemode", "set_ped", "display_nick", "display_coords", "teleport_on_waypoint", "teleport_on_coords", "invisible", "noclip", "revive", "set_announcment"},
reaport_options = {"manage", "status", "return"},
player_options = {"kick","ban","revive","freeze","teleport_to_me","teleport_to","spectate","inventory","screenshot","set_job","set_money", "give_item"},
bans_options = {"unban", "change_date"}
}, ]]
admin = { -- permission for esx admin group
category = {"on_players", "stats", "reaport", "off_players", "bans"}, -- acces to category
main_options = {"spawn_car", "repair_car", "gamemode", "set_ped", "display_nick", "display_coords", "teleport_on_waypoint", "teleport_on_coords", "invisible", "noclip", "revive", "set_announcment"}, -- options for administrator
reaport_options = {"manage", "status", "return"}, -- option to manage reports
player_options = {}, -- option to manage players
bans_options = {"unban", "change_date"} -- option to manage bans
Config.stats = {
job = {"police", "ambulance"}, -- name of jobs to statistics
weapon = {"weapon_pistol","weapon_appistol"} -- name of weapon to statistics
Config.db_sync_player = 5 -- The number of players after which the script will save data to statistics
Open your config_discord.lua
Config_discord = {}
Config_discord.token = "" -- insert your discord bot token | REQUIRED
Config_discord.guildid = "" -- if you use discord perrmisions insert your discord server id
Last updated